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This is one of the best programs I been in so far. It's very nice girls here. I am just blessed to be here because other girls don't have a chance to be here. -Janiya A.

(member of YBM Mentorship Program since 2016-2019)

Thank you for your vision with these young ladies, they really need it. -Sylvia R.

(Parent of YBM Mentorship Program member since 2015-2019, 2022-2025)

Running an organization is not for everybody, but things happen for a reason and certain people are blessed with certain skills and YOU Ms. Shanon were born to do this. YOU ROCK!! - Takia M.

(Parent of YBM mentorship Program member since 2014 - current year)

Thank you for having a program available for girls and women.

(New Member 2018)

We are very excited about what your organization has accomplished in the last decade, especially concerning building character & self-esteem among those whom your selfless commitment has served. Many youths, women, and families are now able to thrive and be successful at everything they do because their lives were improved upon through your mentorship, advocacy, and service. Your commitment has helped to make a difference where it has been needed most. Thank you so much for providing a space for individuals and businesses in the community to support your amazing efforts. OnPurpose Marketing Solutions is proud to not only support YBM in past, present, and future community outreach, but our CEO has experienced first-hand the impact of your commitment to the mentorship and development of her daughter. We are excited about what will come in the next ten years of service and will be right by your side, cheering, giving, and supporting. - DaVita B. (2022)

"I learned a lot, especially about myself. who I am, how to grow and develop and learn how to treat others, how to be open, how to be confident" (Member 2023)

Testimonial 2025.jpeg

    You're Beautifully Made (YBM) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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